We are asking for Prayers, Prayers, and Shares - the more Shares, the more Prayers for Lexi's Recovery!


A Tragedy

On April 3rd, 2023, our 1 ½ year old German Shepard Lexi was involved in a near-death accident. She incurred severe head trauma and a critical spinal cord injury causing paralysis from her shoulders down to her hind end. We were told that she had a very slim chance of surviving the first night, and about a 50% chance of surviving the 2nd night. And even if she did, she would more than likely have brain damage and never walk again. But Lexi had the strive to survive! This is the story of her ongoing journey on the road to recovery and to walk, run, & be a dog again.

The First 48 Hours

Lexi was admitted to Powers Pet Emergency & Specialty in Colorado Springs, CO. She was placed in an oxygen chamber and immediately treated for head trauma. A tube was inserted into one of her lungs to drain fliud. After about 48 hours the swelling in her brain had subsided, the fluid in her lung had draimed, and she no longer needed to be in the oxygen chamber. Now confident she would survive, the Doctors were finally able to assess Lexi for other injuries. Remarkably she did not have any broken bones or internal injuries. She was, however, paralyzed in her hind legs. The next step was to see a neurosurgeon, and to get a MRI. After some quick research we decided on Dr. Rachel Song, one of less than 100 veterinary neurosurgeons in the USA, at Animal Emergency & Specialty Center in Parker, CO. 

Lexi on the Move!

On Thursday April 6th, with a fresh coat of snow and ice on the roads from a typical Colorado late season storm, we transported Lexi an hour north to Parker, Colorado for the next chapter in her uncertain future. An MRI was scheduled for the next day. A few hours after Lexi's MRI the results had been analyzed and we were given the news. Miraculously, Lexi hadn't suffered any brain damage! She did, however, have detrimental damage to her spinal cord. An operation was her only chance of ever walking again.

Dorsal Laminectomy - a surgical procedure to remove a portion of spinal vertebra bone from the dorsal, or back. A total of 4 to 6 weeks of strict rest is usually necessary following laminectomy surgery.

Post OP

Dr. Song operated on Lexi mid-morning Saturday April 8th, and it went as well as could be expected - considering the substantial damage. Now it was time for recovery, and to rest. At this point in time, there is still no guarantee that Lexi will be able to walk again. More Prayers!